Christina Kapetaniou


Christina Kapetaniou, born in 1996 in Thessaloniki, stands as a distinctive figure in the art world, uniquely blending technology and painting. As a painter, she approaches interactive installations not just as art pieces, but as living spaces where participants become an active part of the creative process. Her works emanate a reflection on the fluidity of life and change, inviting audiences to ponder the impact of time on existence and transformation. In her art, Kapetaniou utilizes both traditional canvases and cutting-edge technologies, highlighting the fragmented reality of a world where technology is deeply ingrained in human existence. As a painter, she aims to capture human experiences and emotional nuances. She views interactive installations as vibrant spaces where participants actively engage in the artistic process. Her works inspire discovery and contemplation, urging viewers to explore the multi-layered dimensions of identity and existence.

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